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KurrawongAI Docs

A central repository of information at KurrawongAI.

Here we document how to install, configure and use all of the KurrawongAI products and 3rd party products that we support.

We also provide user-tailored documentation for many clients too, just to them. These may be the information here, with organisation-specific additions visible only to them, or entirely custom information.

Getting Around

Information in the knowledge base can be discovered in the two following ways:

  1. Using the Navigation Panel
    • The navigation panel provides a familiar, tree-like structure from which the knowledge base can be explored.
  2. Using Search
    • The Search bar, located at the top of the navigation panel, can be used to search for keywords or phrases in the knowledge base.

About Us

KurrawongAI is a small, Australian-based, company enabling organisations to take control of their data.

We use data modelling, data governance and data systems implementation expertise, all based on Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph principles, to ensure data is in the richest, most open and most extensible form it can be.

We use knowledge graphs for data storage, as a transfer format, when serialised, and as inputs to advanced reasoning and data processing tasks, such as for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications.