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Tools Overview

This section of the knowledge base has information about a number of RDF and Semantic Web-related tools that KurrawongAI maintains. The tools are briefly described below with further information available via the links or using the navigation pane on the left.

Some of these tools are open source, others are developed and owned by KurrawongAI. All are free to use!

  1. kurra - A command line tool for interactions with Fuseki databases
  2. labelify - Tests RDF graph elements to see if they have labels
  3. ogctests - An unofficial, open source, Python implementation of the Open GeoSpatial Consortium's [OGC] Java-based test suite
  4. Prefix Lookup - Get RDF Namespaces from Prefixes
  5. ProvWorkflow - Records the provenance of Python workflows in RDF
  6. pyLODE - An OWL ontology documentation tool using Python, based on LODE
  7. RDF Converter - Convert between different RDF formats
  8. RDF Merger - Merges RDF graphs together
  9. SHACL Validator - Validate RDF data against SHACL rules, using the pySHACL tool
  10. SPARQL Validator - Validates and formats sparql queries
  11. VocEdit - online SKOS vocabulary creation & editing
  12. VocExcel - Convert Excel data to SKOS vocabularies, using templates and the VocExcel library